In the field of virtual reality, tof camera has many extended applications, such as SLAM, which can be used as some navigation applications by remodeling the 3d information that can be seen by the eye through a technical method. At the same time, tof camera can be applied in the field of human-computer interaction in some robot fields. The introduction of 3D technology promotes the development of artificial intelligence.
Many years ago, the application of ToF Camera in AR glasses . Then opened a variety of scenarios, such as in the car gesture recognition products; Without the need for button operation, we can directly control some images inside the car through some gestures. The application of DOMI Tof Camera in the field of vehicle mainly covers three directions: first, the sensor in the car, its adaptation distance is 40 to 200cm, mainly used for gesture control, driver, co-pilot and rear passenger posture monitoring; The second is the close dissociation lock outside the car, which means we can unlock it directly with human face recognition. The third is long-distance detection, which extends to the direction of auxiliary driving outside the car.